As workers continue to grapple with the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant in Japan, the crisis has shone a spotlight on nuclear reactors around the world. In June, The Associated Press released results from a yearlong investigation, revealing evidence of unrelenting wear in many of the oldest-running facilities in the United States.
That study found that three-quarters of the countrys
He and his graduate student, Anirban Mazumdar, decided to make the robot a smooth sphere, devising a propulsion system that can harness the considerable force of water rushing through a reactor. The group devised a special valve for switching the direction of a flow with a tiny change in pressure and embedded a network of the Y-shaped valves within the hull, or skin, of the small, spherical robot, using 3-D printing to construct the network of valves, layer by layer. At the end of the day, we get pipelines going in all
directions, Asada says. Theyre really tiny.
Depending on the direction they want their robot to swim, the researchers can close off various channels to shoot water through a specific valve. The high-pressure water pushes open a window at the end of the valve, rushing out of the robot and creating a jet stream that propels the robot in the opposite direction.
As the robot navigates a pipe system, the onboard camera takes images along the pipes interior. Asadas original plan was to retrieve the robot and examine the images afterward. But now he and his students are working to equip the robot with wireless underwater communications, using laser optics to transmit images in real time across distances of up to 100 meters.
The team is also working on an eyeball mechanism that would let the camera pan and tilt in place. Graduate student Ian Rust describes the concept as akin to a hamster ball.
The hamster changes the location of the center of mass of the ball by scurrying up the side of the ball, Rust says. The ball then rolls in that direction.
To achieve the same effect, the group installed a two-axis gimbal in the body of the robot, enabling them to change the robots center of mass arbitrarily. With this setup, the camera, fixed to the outside of the robot, can pan and tilt as the robot stays stationary.
Asada envisions the robots as short-term, disposable patrollers, able to inspect pipes for several missions before breaking down from repeated radiation exposure.
The system has a simplicity that is very attractive for deployment in hostile environments, says Henrik Christensen, director of the Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Christensen, who was not involved in the work, observed that robots such as Asadas could be useful not only for monitoring nuclear reactors, but also for inspecting other tight, confined spaces sprawling city sewer pipes, for example. One would like to have a system that can be deployed at a limited cost and risk, so an autonomous system of minimal size is very attractive, he says.